Nayarí Castillo
Molecular Biologist and Artist (MFA Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar, DE). Specialized in Public Art, her interventions engage with history, time and space, with special emphasis in experiments in perception and engagement. Castillo has won multiple prizes and bursaries including the Bursary for the Arts of the City of Graz (AT) and the CIFO prize 2014, Miami (USA) .
She has worked as coordinator of international projects – Stories from the Edge (, and more recently Inverting Battlefields ( She has worked as lecturer and invited professor in several universities, including the Institute of Contemporary Art at TU Graz. She currently works as University Researcher at the Institute of Spatial Design at TU Graz.
David Pirrò
Sound artist and researcher based in Graz, Austria. Studied piano and obtained a Master degree in Theoretical Physics, as well as a Master in Computer Music and audio-visual composition from the Conservatory “G. Tartini” in Triest. Since 2007, he works at the IEM (Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics) in Graz, Austria, where he currently runs, conjointly with Hanns Holger Rutz, the FWF-funded artistic research project Algorithms that Matter (
His artistic work includes interactive compositions and sound installations as well as audiovisual and electroacoustic pieces. In this works, performative as well as spatial aspects are central aspects. He is the developer and maintainer of the software environment rattle which he developed in the course of his PhD.
Daniele Pozzi

Electronic musician and artist living in Graz, Austria. Among his works are live performances and improvisations, sound installations and electroacoustic music, often involving the design of original computer programs and interfaces addressing compositional or performative issues. His recent practice investigates the relation of process and form in feedback system composition, and the becoming of sound and algorithmic processes. Daniele holds a BA in Electroacoustic Music Composition from the Conservatory of Padua, Italy, and a MA in Computer Music from the Institue of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree at the same university.
Hanns Holger Rutz
Sound artist, composer, performer and researcher in electronic music and digital art. He lives and works in Graz and Klagenfurt, where since 2023 he holds a Professorship for Artistic Research. He has lead and is leading several artistic research projects, including the FWF PEEK project “Algorithms that Matter” (2017–2021 ; and the FWF PEEK project “Simultaneous Arrivals” (2022–2025 ;
His works include sound and intermedia installation, live improvisation, and electroacousic music, in all of which the development and research on software and algorithms plays an important role. He has created various novel open-source software. The central themes in his work are the materiality of writing processes – processes where the time in which a work is written by a human or the machine is interwoven with the performance time – and trajectories of aesthetic objects as they travel and transform across different works and different artists.
Helene Thümmel
Artist and Scenigrafist, based in Graz and Nova Gorica. Studied Architecture (BA) in Graz, Austria and Media Art/New Media (MA) at the School of Arts in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Since 2010 she has been working as a stage and costume designer for theatre and film productions and is/was part of various art cooperations and associations.
Influenced by the theatre she works on the development of situations and circumstances using text, objects, videos, collages, photography as well as architectural solutions or installations.